1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,叶物候与碳循环模型耦合遥感探测机理研究,31971580,2020.01.01-2023.12.31,主持
2. 博士后基金面上项目,叶片和冠层尺度比叶质量的遥感估算方法研究,2019M661239,2019.04-2019.12,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,干扰历史下东北森林林龄遥感定量反演及分析技术研究,31500519,2016.01.01-2018.12.31,主持
1. Xiguang Yang, Ying Yu, Wenyi Fan. Chlorophyll content retrieval from hyperspectral remote sensing imagery [J].Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2015, 187(7): 456(1-13).
2. Xiguang Yang, Ying Yu and Wenyi Fan. A method to estimate the structural parameters of windbreaks using remote sensing [J].Agroforestry Systems,2017, 91(1): 37-49.
3. Xiguang Yangand Ying Yu. Estimating soil salinity under various moisture conditions: an experimental study [J].IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2017, 55(5): 2525-2533.
4. Xiguang Yang, Ying Yu, Terence P. Dawson. LIBERTY (Leaf Incorporating Biochemistry Exhibiting Reflectance and Transmittance Yields).Remote Sensing Code Library, 2017-10-27. DOI:10.21982/M8WS6P
5. Xiguang Yang, Ying Yu, Haiqing Hu, Long Sun. Moisture content estimation of forest litter based on remote sensing data [J].Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2018,190(7):421(1-10)
6. Xiguang Yang, Ying Yu, Mingze Li. Estimating soil moisture content using laboratory spectral data [J].Journal of Forestry Research, 2019, 30(3): 1073–1080.
7. Xiguang Yang, Yuqi Liu, Zechuan Wu, Ying Yu, Fengri Li and Wenyi Fan. Forest age mapping based on multiple-resource remote sensing data [J].Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2020, 192(10):734(1-15).
8. Xiguang Yang, Fengri Li, Wenyi Fan, Guiwei Liu and Ying Yu. Evaluating the efficiency of wind protection by windbreaks based on remote sensing and geographic information systems [J].Agroforestry Systems, 2021, 95(2):353-365.
9. Ying Yu,Xiguang Yang, Wenyi Fan. Remote Sensing Inversion of Leaf Maximum Carboxylation Rate Based on a Mechanistic Photosynthetic Model [J].IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.2022, 60:1-12.
1. 杨曦光.高光谱遥感环境参数反演方法.东北林业大学出版社,2017,230千字
2. 杨曦光,于颖,严立文,舒展.水色遥感原理与方法.哈尔滨地图出版社,2020,260千字
3. 于颖,杨曦光,王斌.森林生态系统生物量与碳源/汇遥感估算方法研究.东北林业大学出版社,2020,320千字
4. 杨曦光,于颖. 现代摄影测量与遥感技术.中国林业出版社(国家林业和草原局研究生教育十四五规划教材),2022,370千字
1. 杨曦光. Estimating soil salinity under various moisture conditions: an experimental study,梁希青年论文奖,三等奖
2. 杨曦光.东北森林碳源汇演变优化模拟及归因分析技术,梁希林业科学技术奖科技进步奖,二等奖(排名4)
3. 杨曦光.东北森林生态系统碳源/汇精准动态监测技术.黑龙江省科技进步类,三等奖(排名6)
4. 杨曦光.基于遥感的高速铁路长深隧道水文地质评价技术研究.中国交通运输协会科学技术奖,二等奖(排名5)
5. 杨曦光. 陆路交通工程地质遥感关键技术与应用研究.中国交通运输协会科学技术奖,一等奖(排名7)
1. Liberty模型是适用于针叶的叶片尺度的辐射传输模型,最初版由Terence P. Dawson以Fortran开发,后由杨曦光转译成Matlab版,并发布在Remote Sensing Code Library (DOI:10.21982/M8WS6P)上。2014年被Automated Radiative Transfer Models Operator (ARTMO)引用,用于针状或簇状叶的透射和反射的辐射传输的模拟,目前ARTMO已发展到v.3.25版,运行状态良好,并得到了广泛的好评。
2. 担任IGARSS、Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing、Biogeosciences、Ecological Indicators、Computers and Electronics in Agriculture、Soil & Tillage Research等国际会议和期刊审稿人。
1. 杨曦光,陈洁,范文义,张泽林,田雅慧.一种基于多源光学遥感数据的土壤含水量估算方法.申请(专利)号:CN202010484759.7申请公布号:CN111721714A,公开公告日:2020.09.29
2. 杨曦光,于颖,舒展,范文义.一种基于空间信息技术的农田防护林防风效应计量方法.申请(专利)号:CN202010387802.8,授权公布号:CN111537510B,授权公告日:2021.04.20
1. 杨曦光,肖锐,金星姬,于颖.一种基于超声波传感技术的树高测量设备.专利号:ZL201621331139.5,公开号(授权号):CN206347980U,授权公告日:2017.07.21
2. 杨曦光,范文义,李明泽,于颖.一种市政园林防护栏.专利号:ZL201720237905.X,公开号(授权号):CN206625645U,授权公告日:2017.11.10
3. 杨曦光,范文义,李明泽,于颖.一种园林摘果装置.专利号:ZL201720130375.9,公开号(授权号):CN206517831U,授权公告日:2017.09.26
4. 杨曦光,胡海清,孙龙,于颖.一种基于GIS互联网的森林防火预警装置.专利号:ZL201720809834.6,公开号(授权号):CN206833642U,授权公告日:2018.01.02
5. 杨曦光,范文义,李明泽,于颖.一种便于携带的林业喷药工具.专利号:ZL201721482693.8,公开号(授权号):CN207561235U,授权公告日:2018.07.03
1. 杨曦光,张泽林.大光斑GLAS波形数据处理系统V1.0.登记号:2020SR0948200
2. 杨曦光,刘钰琪.土壤光谱数据库查询和分析系统V1.0.登记号:2020SR0948488
3. 杨曦光,陈洁.多源遥感数据土壤水分监测系统V1.0.登记号:2020SR094827
4. 杨曦光,赵紫晴. GF-1高分辨率遥感数据定标和校正系统V1.0.登记号:2020SR0948481
5. 杨曦光,田雅慧,赵紫晴.叶面积病虫害图像采集分析管理系统V1.0.登记号:2020SR1149298
邮箱:yangxiguang21@163.com; yangxiguang@nefu.edu.cn
Xiguang Yang, Doctor of Science, Professor, PhD Supervisor. Expert of forensic appraisal of environmental damage of Heilongjiang Province. He mainly studies the theories and methods of remote sensing and geographic information system. His research interests include quantitative remote sensing, remote sensing parameterization of carbon cycle model, and application of remote sensing technology in resource and environmental investigation and assessment.Projects involves:National Natural Science Foundation of China,China postdoctoral science foundation projects.Published more than30 papers including10SCI papersand 3 EI papers; won the first prize and the second prize for scientific and technological progress awards of China Communications and Transportation of Association in 2002 and 2004, respectively. And he won the Second Prize in National Liangxi Forestry Science and Technology Progress Award in 2019 and won the Third Prizes in Scientific and Technological Progress of Heilongjiang Province in 2016.. We sincerely invite students who love remote sensing and GIS to join our team.