1. 刘兆刚,董灵波.大兴安岭天然落叶松林多尺度经营技术研究.北京:科学出版社, 2018, 40万字
2. Lingbo Dong, Wei Lu, Zhaogang Liu. Developing alternative forest spatial management plans when carbon and timber values are considered: A real case from northeastern China. Ecological Modelling, 2018, 385:45-57 SCI收录(IF=2.634)
3. Lingbo Dong, Pete Bettinger, Huiyan Qin, Zhaogang Liu. Reflections on the number of independent solutions for forest spatial harvest scheduling problems: A case of simulated annealing [J]. Silva Fennica, 2018, 52(1), article id 7803 SCI收录(IF=1.495)
4. Huiyan Qin#,Lingbo Dong#, Yingli Huang. Evaluating the Effects of Carbon Prices on Trade-Offs between Carbon and Timber Management Objectives in Forest Spatial Harvest Scheduling Problems: A Case Study from Northeast China. Forests, 2017, 8, 43, SCI收录(IF=1.583)
5. Lingbo Dong, Pete Bettinger, Zhaogang Liu, Huiyan Qin, Yinghui Zhao. Evaluating the neighborhood, hybrid and reversion search techniques of a simulated annealing algorithm in solving forest spatial harvest scheduling problems.Silva Fennica, 2016, vol.50 no.4 article id 1622.20p SCI收录(IF=1.115)
6. Lingbo Dong, Zhaogang Liu, Pete Bettinger. Nonlinear mixed-effects branch diameter and length models for natural Dahurian larch (Larix gmelini) forest in northeast China. Trees-Structure and Function, 2016, 30:1191-1206 SCI收录(IF=1.706)
7. Lingbo Dong, Pete Bettinger, Zhaogang Liu, Huiyan Qin. A comparison of a neighborhood search technique for forest spatial harvest scheduling problems: A case study of the simulated annealing algorithm. Forest Ecology and Management, 2015, 356: 124-135 SCI收录(IF=2.826)
8. Lingbo Dong, Pete Bettinger, Zhaogang Liu, Huiyan Qin. Spatial forest harvest scheduling for areas involving carbon and timber management goals. Forests, 2015, 6: 1362-1379 SCI收录(IF=1.583)
9. Lingbo Dong, Zhaogang Liu, Fengri Li, Lichun Jiang. Modelling primary branch growth based on a multilevel nonlinear mixed-effects model: a Pinus koraiensis plantation case study in north-east China. Southern Forests, 2015, 77(3):179-190 SCI收录(IF=0.696)
10. 董灵波,孙云霞,刘兆刚.基于模拟退火算法的森林空间经营规划研究.南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 42(1): 133-140 A+收录