哈斯,男,理学博士,教授,博士生导师。主要从事蛋白翻译后修饰对植物次生细胞壁加厚、木质素层积的遗传调控机制;植物非生物胁迫调控机制;基因编辑工程在植物中的应用等方向的研究。已取得成果包括:1.发现了小类泛素化修饰(SUMOylation)、磷酸化修饰(Phosphorylation)调控细胞壁加厚,木质素层积的分子机制;2.揭示了rRNA加工对调控植物低温响应的分子机制;3.开发了一种可以快速对植物木质素进行降低,且不会降低植物生物量的基因编辑策略。研究结果已发表SCI论文8篇,其中以第一作者或共同第一作者在《PNAS》、《PLoS Genetics》、《Cell Reports》、《Biotechnology for biofuels》等期刊上发表研究论文4篇。实验室主要研究方向为:1.蛋白质翻译后修饰对林木次生细胞壁加厚,木质素层积的调控;2.林木木质素代谢合成网络的精细调控。
2018/06-2021/08,美国北得克萨斯大学(University of North Texas),生物科学系BioDiscovery研究所,博士后研究员
1. Hasi Yu, Chang Liu. Richard A. Dixon (2021). A gene-editing/complementation strategy for tissue-specific lignin reduction while preserving biomass yield.Biotechnology for biofuels14, 175.
2. Hasi Yu*, Xiangfeng Kong*, Huan Huang, Wenwu Wu, Junghoon Park, Dae-Jin Yun, Byeong-ha Lee, Huazhong Shi, Jian-Kang Zhu (2020). STCH4/REIL2 confers cold stress tolerance in Arabidopsis by promoting rRNA processing and CBF protein translatio.Cell reports.30 (1), 229-242. e5
3. Chang Liu*,Hasi Yu*, Xiaolan Rao, Laigeng Li and Richard A. Dixon (2021). Abscisic acid regulates secondary cell wall formation and lignin deposition in Arabidopsis thaliana through phosphorylation of NST1.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118 (5) e2010911118.
4. Chang Liu*,Hasi Yu*, Laigeng Li (2019). SUMO modification of LBD30 by SIZ1 regulates secondary cell wall formation in Arabidopsis thaliana.PLoS genetics.15 (1), e1007928.
5. Zhimin Zheng,Hasi Yu, Dasuki Miki, Qingzhu zhang, Jiankang Zhu. (2015). Involvement of multiple gene-silencing pathways in a paramutation-like phenomenon in Arabidopsis.Cell reports, 11(8), 1160-1167.
6. Chang Liu, Shuai Zheng, Jinshan Gui, Chenjian Fu,Hasi Yu, Dongliang Song, Junhui Shen, Peng Qin, Xuanming Liu, Bin Han, Yuanzhu Yang, Laigeng Li (2018). Shortened basal internodes encodes a gibberellin 2-oxidase and contributes to lodging resistance in rice.Molecular plant.11 (2), 288-299.
7. Zhengjing Zhang,Yangfei Mao,Hasi Yu,Jiankang Zhu (2016). A multiplex CRISPR/Cas9 platform for fast and efficient editing of multiple genes in Arabidopsis. Plant cell reports, 35(7), 1519-1533.
8. Ge Bai, Dahai Yang, Yang Zhao,Hasi Yu,Jiankang Zhu(2013). Interactions between soybean ABA receptors and type 2C protein phosphatases.Plant molecular biology, 83(6), 651-664.